Sunday, 10 May 2009

二 : Room and Narrative

The Geographer - Jan Vermeer
Within this painting, Vermeer has portrayed a geographer, an individual whos mind dwells on the landscape, measurements, maths, geometry and calculations. A heavy interplay of light is juxtaposed against the shadows and forms/objects within the paintings, such as the cartographic tools that accentuate the 'Geographer's profession - This is a notion that I wish to allude to throughout my concept and thus my project.
I want to focus alot on the way that light has been forced into the openings of the room, through the small opening that is the window, effectively creating diagonals that stretch across the canvas, draped over the forms within. The figure is also quite active and appears to be deep in thought and contemplation. Through this figure and various components that compose the room, Vermeer has mirrored and represented the growth of science, prominent to his era in this painting - that being the 17th century (Dutch).

I have chosen this painting because it would be interesting to physically visualize a model that presents a polar motif to that of the painting, that being, a contrast between the thoughts of 'The Geographer' and a world that is of fantasy and imagination. Rather than take a literal approach to the painting, I'd rather seek what would bring out more emotive qualities into the space.
The use of the sea chart, dividers and all those other tools become relevant in my design of these series of 'rooms', I wish to interpret these in my own artistic structure, as well as play around with the angle qualities of the sun. Furthermore I want to delve into relationship of architectonics and parti. The interplay of light qualities on the figure, on the room.

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